Thursday, March 10, 2011

vocab quiz: day 1

I have a vocabulary quiz for my Concepts and Theories class next week and I thought it would be helpful if I got you guys involved was well! I have 74 words to review by this Sunday, so that gives me... hold on...74/5=15 about words per day. I will post the words in the beginning of the day and the definitions towards the end of the day or the next morning. Test your own culinary knowledge and see how many of these words/terms you know!

1. A la minute - denotes that something should be cooked or finished at the last minute

2. A point - (1) French term for cooking to the ideal degree of doneness (2) when applied to meat, refers to cooking it medium rare

3. Aging - (1) the period during which freshly killed meat is allowed to rest so that the effects of rigor mortis dissipate; (2) the period during which freshly milled flour is allowed to rest so that it will whiten and produce less sticky doughs

4. Al dente - literally, 'to the tooth', the point to which pasta is cooked when there is still a bite, not fully cooked

5. Aromatics - a food added to enhance the natural aromas of another food; aromatics include most flavorings, such as herbs and spices, as well as some vegetables

6. Au Jus: roasted meats, poultry or game served with their natural, unthickened juices

7. Au Sec: cooked until nearly dry

8. Beurre Manie: a combination of equal amounts by weight of flour and soft, whole butter; it is whisked into a simmering sauce at the end of the cooking process for quick thickening and added sheen and flavor

9. Beurre Noisette: French for 'brown butter'; used to describe butter cooked until it is a light brown color; it is flavored and used in much the same manner as beurre noir

10. Bouquet Garni: fresh herbs and vegetables tied into a bundle with twine and used to flavor stocks, sauces, soups and stews

11. Brigade System: a system of staffing a kitchen so that each worker is assigned a set of specific tasks; these tasks are often related by cooking method, equipment or the types of food being produced

12. Broth: a flavorful liquid obtained from the long simmering of meats and or vegetables

13. Brown Rice: all rice is originally brown; the grains can be left whole with the bran attached, which is brown rice

14. Carry-over Cooking: the cooking that occurs after a food is removed from a heat source; it is accomplished by the residual heat remaining in the food

15. Clarified Butter: butter which has had all of the milk solids removed, usually by skimming them off over very low heat

Some definitions supplied by the text: On Cooking, A Textbook of Culinary Fundamentals by Labensky Hause and Martel

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