Friday, October 29, 2010

indoor holiday decorating

Last weekend my friend Matt and I came up with the idea to spray paint pumpkins GOLD!! They look pretty darn fabulous if you ask me!

My new apartment unfortunately does not have a yard or balcony (someday I will have undoubtedly have a garden on par with Martha Stewart)but I still love decorating with pumpkins and gourds - so I found some fun ways to incorporate the gold pumpkins into my everyday decor.

I have a lot of cacti in my house, so I placed some of the little guys in the mix.

Pumpkins and vintage Louis Vuitton? Absolutely!!

And this is my crowning glory - pumpkins, persimmons, mini corns & gourds on my favorite cake stand - deee-licious!


  1. Can I hire you to come and decorate my apartment?? Seriously, I need a little holiday inspiration!
